Having the right environmental assessments and project assistance is vital to getting the job done right. At Eagle Resources, our clients trust us because we've proven the quality of our work and the value of our expertise over the course of extensive jobs for companies across multiple industries. Some of our past successes include:

Agricultural Application of Biosolids
and Nitrate Contamination

  • Biosolids Application From Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Historical Over-Application: NO3 Impacted Water Wells
  • Potential Multi-Million $ Active Remediation
  • Modeling Showed All NO3 Discharge To River
  • Modeled NO3 Discharge Than NPDES Permit To River
  • Modeled NO3 Meets Standard At Compliance Boundaries
  • Client Resumed Biosolids Application To 60% Of Fields
  • Resumption Saved More Than $2 Million/Year
Watershed Modeling
Click to Enlarge

Recovery of Cobalt Contaminated Groundwater

Model Used to Optimize Remedial Pumping


Recovery of Naphthalene Contaminated Groundwater

  • Leaking Transformer at a Brick Manufacturing Facility
  • Property Being Redeveloped as Residential
  • Potential Impact to Down-Gradient Stream
  • Very Low Permeability Soils
  • Recovery System Powered by Solar Cells
  • Discharge to Municipal Sewer System

Development of A Brownfields Site As A Municipal Park

  • Former Shipping Facility on Cape Fear River
  • Bulk Storage of Materials
  • Site Used for Disposal of Dredge Spoil from Marina
  • Brownfields Restrictions on Site Use
  • Groundwater Constraints on Development
  • Storm Water Infiltration Design Modeling